#8 Vika Kirchenbauer: Works, Scripts, Essays 2012-2022
Book release with Vika Kirchenbauer, Eva Birkenstock, Fanny Hauser and Viktor Neumann
5 November 2022, 5pm

Conceived as a monographic reader, VIKA KIRCHENBAUER: WORKS, SCRIPTS, ESSAYS
2012-2022 (Mousse Publishing, 2022) compiles for the first time an extensive, decade-spanning collection of Kirchenbauer’s seminal and profoundly perceptive essays, the scripts of her widely celebrated moving image works in conjunction with selected video stills, as well as exhibition views. This volume offers substantial insights into the Berlin-based artist, filmmaker, writer and music producer’s research inquiries and aesthetic vocabulary. It also includes Kirchenbauer’s two latest texts, exploring the relation between violence and visibility within the Western paradigm as well as the complex entanglements of European religious music and colonialism—research that has also fueled her solo music project COOL FOR YOU since 2015. This compendium is extended through novel essays by Oakland- and Los Angeles-based archivist, curator, and artist Leeroy Kun Young Kang and by Warsaw-based feminist philosopher and activist Ewa Majewska. While Kang looks at the social, affective and political implications of distance and proximity that Kirchenbauer so eloquently unfolds as powerful and meaningful techniques inherent in relations of oppression and emancipation, Majewska analyses the artist’s elaborate and tortuous negotiations of violence and non-violence as lived and performed experiences.
Between Bridges is thrilled to celebrate Kirchenbauer’s book release with an introduction by the editors Eva Birkenstock, Fanny Hauser and Viktor Neumann, the screening of the artist’s latest video works UNTITLED SEQUENCE OF GAPS (2020) and THE CAPACITY FOR ADEQUATE ANGER (2021) as well as the first public reading of her new essay ON VIOLENCE AND VISIBILITY (2022).